Boundless Learning 2020 FAQs
School at Home
What will the day look like?
Each day teachers will post the day’s assignments in SeeSaw for Primary students and Google Classroom for Developing, Refining, and Applying Stage students. Links to the two platforms will also be sent out through Jupiter.
- Two-thirds of daily assignments will be recorded lessons and independent practice that can be completed at the time that works best for each student and their family.
- Each class will host a daily Morning Meeting. Teachers and families will work together to find a time that works for most families.
- Small group lessons and office hours will be scheduled to allow teachers to meet the individual needs of each student.
Is my child expected to be on a screen all day?
No. While assignments will be housed on technology platforms, many of the assignments will ask students to do things away from the computer. We’re ordering physical books for reading and kits of math manipulatives for each student, to ensure that students are spending time learning away from computer screens throughout the day.
When will students need to turn in work?
An important part of learning is getting feedback on the work you do. Feedback is most useful the closer it’s received to actually doing the work.
We heard from many working parents in the spring about the challenge of helping their children turn in assignments within 24 hours.
Students will have from Wednesday to Wednesday to turn in assignments this fall. That doesn’t mean 7 days of work to be completed. It means that for those who need additional time on the weekends to work on assignments, it’s built into the schedule.
Also know, your teachers and administrators are here to work with you and to make sure that students have the opportunity to learn.
Returning to the Building
Will my child be required to where a mask all day?
Yes, at all times in the building and classroom. Classes will go outside for ‘mask breaks’ while maintaining safe distances. If a child forgets their mask, the school will provide them with one at arrival. Students will be reminded to wear their mask properly (covering mouth and nose) throughout the day.
How will teachers teach both students physically present and those present virtually?
The students will continue to learn through the remote platforms. The difference will be that the students who are in person, will be sitting in the classroom, and will be physically present with their teacher for small group and one on one instruction (that is now normally provided through a small group Zoom meeting). They will continue to conduct their independent work through the same online learning platforms and will be guided by their classroom teacher while doing so.
How are children expected to social distance during the day?
Classrooms have been reconfigured to allow for more space for social distancing and tables will have protective shields at each work station. Teachers will design activities that can be completed in their own space. Also, the buildings will have visual cues in the hallways, classrooms, and bathrooms to remind students to stay at a distance.
Will my child be able to socialize with other students?
Yes, there are many points throughout the day where students will be able to have a conversation with their peers such as arrival, dismissal, and lunch. Also, teachers will create opportunities for "brain breaks" where students can do an activity with each other that does not involve sharing items or close proximity. Students participating remotely will also be involved in the "brain breaks."
What if a child has symptoms during the day? What will you do to keep everyone safe?
Each school will have a clinic aide present in the building. This individual will staff a designated ‘isolation room,’ where the student may rest until their parent picks up. Please have your list of emergency contacts prepared to pick up within the hour from the school's phone call, if your child is sick.
If my child requires support services, including counseling and Special Education services, will they still be able to receive those services?
Yes, support services such as counseling and Special Education will be available to students in person and remotely.
Will students play outside?
Yes! As much as possible throughout the day, weather permitting. Each school will have a schedule for when classes can be outside to allow for social distancing. Please dress your child appropriately for outside play.
Will my child need to wear the school uniform?
Students will need to wear uniforms while in the buildings. Uniforms help students to avoid unnecessary distractions from learning, children must wear uniforms while in school.
How will meals be different? Will there continue to be hot meals?
Free breakfast and lunch will be available to students. Breakfast will be served as a "Grab and Go" meal students will have the option of picking up as they enter into the building. Lunch will be delivered to the classroom. For the first two weeks, lunch will be a cold brown bag option. After two weeks, we plan to serve hot lunch as provided in previous years.