Intergenerational Schools | Cleveland, Ohio

5 Tips for Back-to-School

Written by GrowSchools | Sep 4, 2024 1:56:05 AM

It’s back-to-school time! If your child is excited or nervous, it’s okay because at the Intergenerational Schools we’re here for all the feelings! And we are here to support your family – here are five ways to support your child to start the school year off right. 

1. Make Sure You’re Enrolled

 It is not too late to enroll for the 24-25 school year. There are limited spaces in grades KG, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th, depending on which campus you are interested in attending. Don’t wait until it is too late, enroll now and have a great start to the year!


Our tuition-free charter schools make the enrollment process simple. Visit our enrollment page to get the process started today. Not sure where you are in the process? Contact us at 216-978-0568 and we’ll make sure everything is in order for a successful start. 

2. Prep Your Routine Together

At The Intergenerational Schools, we love finding ways to help our students succeed– inside and outside the classroom. Having a routine at school means students know what to expect and you can do the same at home. 

  • Come up with a list of necessary tasks before and after school (get dressed, brush teeth, etc.). Add them to a plastic sleeve, and use a dry erase marker to check them off each day, or simply write them on a post-it or piece of paper. Checking off tasks gives children a good feeling to start their day right. Have kids round up their dirty school shirts to help do laundry (or if old enough, to do a load on their own). Watch something together or listen to a podcast at you fold and put away, so they know where their clothes are during the busy mornings.Pack a lunch the night before or wait until the morning? Setting up a routine time is half the battle!

3. Get Some Sleep

What’s trickier than adjusting to the classroom routine? That’s right, the bedtime routine! Add excited emotions to the mix and it can make for less sleep right when kids need it most. Start thinking ahead about what you want the sleep routine to look like- do you read a story or get some audio books from the library queued up? Maybe dinner (and dessert!) time needs to be earlier? Learn more tips and the importance of a quality sleep routine recommended for each age here. As hard as it is to limit screen time, one of the biggest culprits of late nights is having screens in bedrooms. Try to keep screen time outside of children’s rooms or put them away at night.

4. No Need for Supplies 

At the Intergenerational Schools, we do the supply shopping for you. All your child needs is a backpack, lunchbag (if you are packing lunch from home-but all students receive free breakfast and lunch at school), school shirts (we can help you with those too), and a sturdy pair of shoes to run and play in.  Speaking of shoes, Make it easy on yourself: practice a little bit each dayor invest in slip-on sneakers or laces that don’t need tying. As for the long list of supplies parents usually receive at the start of the year, the school purchases all supplies in bulk for every student throughout the year. We just ask that families contribute a small supply fee for the year $45, or less if multiple children. 

5. Share All the Fun

With all the uncertainty of a new school year, make sure you remind your child that learning at The Intergenerational Schools is FUN! Our engaged K-8 schools offer many enrichment opportunities like field trips, gym, music, art, and our monthly visits to long-term care facilities. Our small, multi-age classes and many family events encourage friendships and joyful learning throughout the school year. 


If you’re not yet enrolled, we’re enrolling right now- school started August 20th, 2024, but we are still accepting students based on limited open spaces.. Join your closest tuition-free Intergenerational School today - spots are available at our Buckeye and Ohio City campuses. See you soon! 

About The Intergenerational Schools 

For 25 years, The Intergenerational Schools have served the greater Cleveland area with exceptional K-8 academics in a unique multigenerational learning community. We empower a love of learning through a holistic approach that includes personalized learning, enrichment, and healthy and caring relationships. With two neighborhood schools in Buckeye and Ohio City, we’re closing the achievement gap by providing a high-quality, tuition-free education to all. Our award-winning programs build confident, capable students who contribute to our extraordinary community. Get to know The Intergenerational Schools today: Where children thrive and community grows.